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Kamungi Conservancy White

Kamungi Conservancy

Kamungi Conservancy works closely with the KWS through Tsavo Trust to secure and monitor wildlife and assist in law enforcement through trained Kamungi Conservancy scouts. The Conservancy also works to reduce Human Wildlife Conflict, educate the community, and to secure and diversify livelihoods. Tsavo Trust also plans to facilitate an increase ecotourism in this area, reduce poverty through employment, education, healthcare, water projects, and agricultural best practice.

Achievements so far:

Kamungi Conservancy (8-year partnership)

  • 385 households – approximately 3,850 individual members
  • Registered Company Limited by Guarantee and members of the Kenya Wildlife Conservancy Association (KWCA)
  • Employment – 46 permanent employees and 15 casuals
  • Kamungi Water Project – borehole water providing water directly to the Ngiluni Dispensary, Ngiluni Primary School and members of Kamungi.
  • Human Wildlife Conflict – construction of 7 x 1-acre beehive fences (by Dr. Lucy King and Save The Elephants), 16 10% Fence Plan’s and a 33 kilometer Human Elephant Conflict fence line between Mtito Andei east to the Athi River (completed November 2021 in partnership with Government of Makueni County).
  • Development of a 5 Year Management Plan
  • Kamungi Scouts – providing biodiversity protection in the area as well as human wildlife conflict response.
  • Healthcare – complete revamp of the Ngiluni Dispensary in 2018, now fitted with solar power and clean water.
  • Relief Food Distribution 2020 – to ease the challenges of Covid-19 on this vulnerable community.
  • Upgraded the Kyusyani Secondary School science laboratory, including construction works, furniture, water harvesting, solar power, laboratory equipment and a complete ICT system.
  • Installed solar home solution systems to over 60 households in Kamungi. These households now have light and no long use kerosene lamps and wood burners.
  • Dug water pans provision of 110 dam liners for 56,000 litres capacity water pans, which supports in the harvesting of over 6,000,000 liters of run off water every rainy season.
  • Introduced a bulk SMS system to improve dialog between Tsavo Trust, communities and community scouts.
  • Started the construction of the Kamungi eco-tourism Banda’s in July 2023 that will start the process of revenue generation directly to this community.
  • Climate Smart Agriculture training and establishment of a permaculture Project in 2021 – providing subsistence food for members of Kamungi – IN ARID LANDS, NEW CROPS AND NEW SKILLS BLOOM
  • Education – Support to 15 full scholarships, 9 in High School and 6 in College
  • Provision of 200 energy-saving stoves and training of 10 youths in the construction of the stoves
  • Peer to Peer cross-learning in conservation focusing on youths – support towards tree nursery establishment, maintenance, market linkages etc
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